Once upon a period if you wanted a website, you will have to learn another language. Needless to say, if you didn't want to pay the time learning a brand new language and had the money, you can always hire an individual who already spoke internet. However, if you didn't have the time to learn another language and you didn't have the money to hire the task out, you had been more or less totally out of luck. Today things are a little different. create free website easily web design is a growing industry, allowing anyone having an idea to create a website or mobile phone app. While the schism between the computer savvy and computer inept is closing, it's still very helpful to really have a working knowledge of the framework underlying web development. HTML is that framework underlying all web pages. HTML is definitely an acronym which represents Hyper Text Markup Language. Today, you will no longer have to know a single thing about HTML and you'll have your indivi...